Arvut MissionArvut’s mission is to become a leader in the field of automated accounting services for European business due to implementation of our own intellectual property («know how»), as well as to introduce the concept of socially-oriented economy based on the close cooperation between business elites and government institutions, which will significantly improve the quality of life.
Main purpose of Arvut projectsThe purpose of Arvut projects is to introduce the new concept of automated accounting at all levels. At the initial stage these projects will concern small and medium-size enterprises, and subsequently will extend to large enterprises, public and territorial organizations, families and individuals.
Program minimumTo become a leader in the domain of automated accounting services for European business due to implementation of our own intellectual property («know how»), and also to bring financial literacy and social responsibility of business to a new high-quality level.
Program maximumTo carry out the Second Accounting Revolution and introduce the concept of a socially oriented economy based on the close cooperation between business elites and government institutions, which will allow us to scale-up our business model all over the world and significantly improve the quality of life.
At the same time, we will provide the construction of houses and settlements fully prepared for smart accounting (the concept of the Arvut team), where personal automated accounting will be kept for literally every socket (every kilowatt), water tap (every drop of water), heat, premises and shared items.
Another aim is to implement an easy system of paid communications (an Arvut team’s invention) with the price beginning from one cent, or rather the minimum money particle (MMP) adopted in a particular jurisdiction. The idea is that a contacting party pays a receiving party for the response time at the rate previously assigned by the receiving party.
In addition to the aforementioned we will initiate and actively participate in the elimination of accounting illiteracy.
A necessary condition for the implementation of these tasks is to reduce the cost of each accounting entry to less than one cent (MMP).
ARVUT project philosophyThe philosophy of ARVUT project is based on integrating socio-economic thinking. The investment economic basis of business, the humanistic paradigm and the axiological dominant of the society development are the fundation. This involves the implementation of a socially oriented innovative target program with a primary mission aimed at the society development and scientific and technological progress.
The implomentation of the task is achived by qualitatively changing technological approaches to accounting principles based on automation workflow and intoduction innovate sart products into the accouting system. Our knowledge of New Accounting Concept / Common Sense Accounting (NAC/CSA) is a key element of the entire Integral Project.
The main tools for implementing all of above projects are unique intellectual products owned by the Arvut team.
ToolsOur tasks can be achieved through the qualitative change in technological approaches to the principles of conducting accounting operations on the basis of automated work processes and innovative intellectual products introduced to the accounting systems. Our knowledge of New Accounting Concept / Common Sense Accounting (NAC/CSA) is a key element of the entire Integral Project.The implementation of our projects is carried out with the help of unique intellectual products owned by the Arvut team.Tools designed to implement our project:
Tools designed to implement our project:
- Arvut Accounting (SaaS product) and its modules for integration with various computer programs and devices
- New Generation Accounting Concept
- unique software designed on the basis of SaaS in the OS Linux environment, which allows to implicate an unlimited number of users and works both on unlimitedly expandable cluster systems and microcomputers such as Raspberry Pi and similar; can be easily integrated to the modern accounting systems, ERP and AI tools
- modern marketing of accounting market segmentation
- system of teaching New Accounting Concept; educational technologies for formation of employees’ professional competence and social responsibility of business
- educational programs of financial literacy and accounting based on innovative principles
- improved regulatory framework for the introduction of new accounting approaches.
Stages of implementationThe following stages of project implementation will be carried out according to the parallel-sequential method:
- Arvut Accounting (АА) service for Swiss enterprises implemented in each canton separately
- АА Accounting service for the EU enterprises, and subsequently for other countries
- Gradual transfer of Arvut clients from the “old concept” accounting to the new one, which will be carried out in the following steps:
- provision of accounting services based on the “old” (current) accounting system (Arvut Accounting of Old Conception - AAoOC)
- combination of “old” and new accounting for certain enterprises (Arvut Accounting of New Conception - AAoNC)
- legislative support of AAoNC implementation for all legal entities and individuals
- transfer of all business entities to the AAoNC
Simultaneously- Implementation of Paid Communications project - Arvut-calls (ACs)
- Construction of houses and settlements based on the new concept - Arvut Houses (AHs)
Projects financingAA for Swiss enterprises is the least financially intensive in terms of investment. The main project investments will cover the salaries of performers - accountants and operators. At the same time, this project is highly profitable. Thus, it will be the source of funding for all other projects.
The Arvut-calls project is the second in terms of financial capacity. The main investments of this project will cover the hardware, colocation services, Internet traffic, marketing, and support. The profitability of this project is much higher than the profitability of the AA project. On the other hand, this project requires much more investment than the AA.
The most financially demanding project in terms of investment is the Smart Accounting Houses Project. The refund of investments will take place within a decade or more. Therefore, it seems very unlikely that outside investors will finance this project at an early stage. However, in the future, such real estate will be the most efficient in comparison with any other existing real estate.
Social issues of the Arvut projectThe implementation of the New Accounting Concept (Arvut Accounting of New Conception - AAoNC) will inevitably change the entire tax policy in relevant jurisdictions and increase the business activities.
The implementation of the Paid Communications Project Arvut-calls (ACs) will significantly increase the communication and business activities.
The implementation of the Arvut Houses (AHs) Project will unite many people of different professions, confessions and interests. It will also bring human relationships, communication and cohabitation to a completely new level. The communication and business activities will be enhanced considerably.
Structural policyThe structure of the project implementation consists of tens and hundreds of enterprises united in groups structurally ascending to the parent company Arvut Keter.